At Little Acorns we constantly strive to provide a secure, stimulating, and positive environment for all children. Each child’s abilities, talents and skills can be developed to reach their potential. Our wonderous curriculum is embedded by our skilled, motivated and caring practitioners.

Little Acorns is a privately-owned day nursery established in 2001 by long term friends Margaret and Christine. The nursery is not part of a chain which allows the owners to put all their time and resources into making Little Acorns the perfect choice for you and your child. Margaret retired in 2016 and then Christine in 2021. Gemma the settings manager for over 15 years, took over as owner along with her husband Paul. Gemma who has a degree in early childhood studies started as a nursery practitioner in 2002 and took over as manager in 2008. Pauls background is IT and he is a web developer and takes care of the nursery finances whilst Gemma concentrates on the care and education side.

It has a dedicated staff team with a very low staff turnover. All Staff are fully qualified level 3 nursery practitioners with management and some of the staff team holding degrees in Early Childhood Studies.

The nursery employs additional part time staff to cover staff holidays, sickness, paperwork and other duties, we also have an onsite cook and cleaner.

Opening Times: Monday - Friday, 7.30am to 6.00pm. Closed for all bank holidays and 1 week at Christmas

We have an open door policy so please visit any time (except 11.30am to 1.30pm)


We are three times rated Outstanding by OFSTED, gaining our first award in 2010, the second in 2015 and our third in 2022. We work hard every day to maintain these standards and to keep moving practice forward. Here's some of the comments from OFSTED:

"Staff provide children with positive support and encouragement. This helps them to rapidly develop confidence, and learn how to share and take turns with toys. Children gain very good independence."

"All children, including those that need additional help, are very well supported. Staff ensure that children meet their planned targets and make continual progress."

"Staff know children exceptionally well. They have high expectations of what children can achieve and plan very successfully for their future development. Children are highly motivated, inquisitive and independent learners"

"Highly effective arrangements are in place to ensure parents play a full and active role in their child's early learning. Information about the progress children are making in the nursery and at home is shared extremely well"

"Staff provide an environment that is exciting for children. Role-play areas are particularly well resourced. Children have first-rate opportunities to be physically active and take part in a wide range of exciting outdoor play activities, which provide measured risk and challenge"

"The key-person system is exceptional. Parents and children have excellent relationships with their key person who plays a very important part in the life of individual families. Children's move into the nursery is supported extremely sensitively. This contributes significantly to providing security and stability for children and reassurance for parents"

"Management constantly evaluate the quality of the service. They meticulously gather the views of the staff team, children and parents to set clear targets for future improvement and enhance the outcomes for children"

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© 2025 - Little Acorns Day Nursery (Hull) Limited